Special Torture (or how to grin and bear it)

Category Archives: Uncategorized

Seems Different This Time.

December 3, 2012 | Uncategorized | Permalink

And not necessarily in a good way. So, I am taking the progesterone and so far so good. No massive migraines. No maudlin mood swings. For this, I am enormously thankful, but approaching my attempts to conceive this way, with this medication specifically, it’s throwing me for a loop. See, everything I have done up […]

Now this is funny

September 27, 2012 | Uncategorized | Permalink

Googling “what medications affect cervical mucus?” yields this in the top three results. Wow, yes, ‘Drugs Which Affect the Cervical Mucus’ brought to you by The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Why, thank you Sirs! ______________ PS : Did I just use ‘Googling’ as a gerund? I am actually not sure. Grammar is confusing […]