Special Torture (or how to grin and bear it)


July 31, 2012 | health, infertility, life | Permalink

We are going tomorrow to see if we qualify for a that study that would give us four months of IUI with fertility drugs. I have never been so torn about anything. Never wanted to do and not do something so equally in my entire life. Well, that’s not true. I really don’t want to do this, not at all, but I would […]

Lessons in compromise. And in eating your words.

July 25, 2012 | infertility, life | Permalink

When I first started thinking about having a family – this was in my late 20s or early 30s – I was exceptionally vocal about how I would never take fertility drugs. I thought it was selfish and foolhardy to do so. Why risk bringing more than one baby into this world when there were already too many who needed good homes. I […]

A little History

July 25, 2012 | health, infertility, life | Permalink

So here is the scoop… I am 38, well I was 37 when we started. In early spring of 2011, my beau and I stopped using birth control. By June, I decided I wanted to have a better idea of how shit worked so, by July I had a full month of fertility charting. By the time October […]

Unlucky 13

July 24, 2012 | infertility, life | Permalink

It’s been 13 months. More maybe, but 13 for sure. 13 attempts. 13 charts. 13 thermal shifts. 13 two-week-waits. 13 periods. 13 failures.  13 heartbreaks. Fuck 13.